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All You Need To Know About Raven Quest

Play-to-Earn (P2E) games earned around $2.5 billion in the capital in the first quarter of 2022, and it is predicted to exceed $10 billion at the time the year’s end, according to reports recently released by dAppRadar as well as the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA). This rapid increase in investments in blockchain gaming has enticed many developers and companies to create their own blockchain-based games.

The vast majority of Blockchain games that are currently in the market or in development are insubstantial or lacking meaningful playability. It is not unexpected that investors, players and even token holders may vanish within months of the launch of a game. It will make the investment ineffective and the idea useless. This could pose a problem for long-term adoption of Blockchain games. While the integration of blockchain capabilities is vital, long-term adoption will only happen by ensuring that game developers and game companies concentrate more on creating a fantastic game than on integrating blockchain functionalities.

Raven Quest is a GameFi initiative that focuses on building an Ethereum-based MMORPG. It will enable long-term blockchain adoption in the gaming community. The Play-to-Earn model for incentive will also be used to encourage Raven Quest’s players.

What is Raven Quest?

Raven Quest is a play-to-earn MMORPG based on the polygon blockchain that gives players a non-decentralized open-world game environment in which players can take possession of a plot of property and construct their own farm and home. The game is the first that is free to play and also has significantly better playability than many other blockchain games that require you to purchase NFT or another cryptocurrency to play the game.

Raven Quest enables players to gather resources in the form of NFTs and can be used to make powerful weapons. These can then be sold on NFT marketplaces. Ravencards are also collected by players to make NFT gaming characters.

Raven Quest’s open nature permits players to do what they like in an engaging, dynamic, evolving environment filled with adventures and puzzles. It also features an economy that is based on the player, that is powered by self-balancing algorithm.

Raven Quest’s Tokenomics

The GameFi project’s tokenomics is crucial to its long-term success. This is especially true when it’s an MMORPG. Raven Quest uses a single tokenomics system and an economy that is community-driven, and utilizes its innovative self-balancing algorithms called the Tradepack system.

$SBT Token:

Raven Quest incentivizes its players with Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT) cryptocurrency tokens. Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT), which are gold coins, can be traded on the market for in-game currency.

RavenQuest provides you with each day $SBT. This is determined by what activities you are involved with the public, and how much passive income you are able to earn.

There isn’t an established exchange rate for Gold and $SBT since RavenQuest is aware of the current rising inflation. Instead, the game awards the players a daily, predetermined prize of $SBT which is divided among all players that have completed activities and created Gold during game play time.

It is also possible to exchange the $SBT in real money, or use it to increase Gold earnings by purchasing Estates, Mounts, Ships & Wagons, Workers, Ravencards as well as other game items.

The Takeaway – Raven Quest Release Day

Raven Quest will be available in the third and fourth quarters of 2022. The game is currently in the fifth year of development and has a large online player base.

For more information, click NFT game


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